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Religious and Spiritual

The Transformational Power of Nav Raatri

From a satsang with Pt. Balram Persad, Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Om Shakti Mandali

Nav Raatri, observed four times a year, offers a sacred opportunity for spiritual renewal and self-transformation. Among these, devotees usually observe the Nav Raatri observances that follow Phagwa and Pitra Paksha, as periods of heightened devotion, introspection and alignment with divine consciousness.

Nav Raatri reminds us that the Divine assumes form time and again to restore dharma and uplift devotees. The Supreme is beyond all distinctions—gender, race, colour, religion and human limitations. It is humans who impose such labels on the Divine. In Sanaatan Dharma, we celebrate God in numerous manifestations, be it as man, woman, child or even part-animal. The Divine assures us: As you see Me, so I am. This profound teaching urges us to transcend divisions and recognise the perfection of the Divine, untainted by human imperfection.

Among these divine manifestations, the Divine Mother aspect is revered during Nav Raatri. We call upon the Divine as Twameva Maata, affirming that God is our Mother. Just as we cherish and respect Mother Earth, we honour the Supreme Feminine, the Devi, who nurtures and defends us.

Nav Raatri is a time of immense spiritual power. It is an opportunity to purify ourselves physically and mentally. Devotees are encouraged to observe fasting, adjusting their practices according to their health conditions. While physical abstinence from meat and alcohol is recommended, it is equally important to cultivate a mental fast—abstaining from negative thoughts and emotions, nurturing peace and deepening one’s connection with the Divine.

Key spiritual disciplines during Nav Raatri include:

  • Lighting deeyas to invoke Divine fortune
  • Performing havan to purify the environment
  • Chanting mantra jap, stotras and stutis in praise of the Divine Mother
  • Offering sacred items such as coconut and neem leaves
  • Feeding the holy as an act of selfless service

These spiritual acts bring inner peace, clarity and wisdom, breaking cycles of suffering and bondage. True devotion with sincerity and discipline helps one overcome internal and external adversities.

The power of Nav Raatri to transform lives is beautifully illustrated in the story of a humble trader. Despite his financial struggles, he remained rich in character—living a life of peace, courage, humility and selflessness. He honoured the deities, revered his ancestors and prioritised the well-being of his family.

One day, he sought the guidance of a holy man regarding various challenges. The saint advised him to observe Nav Raatri vrat and initiated him into sacred mantras. Recognising the spiritual dimension as the missing element in his life, the trader committed himself wholeheartedly to the practice.

Year after year, he observed Nav Raatri with sincerity, devotion and discipline. Eventually, he experienced the grace of the Divine Mother, who reassured him that his challenges were solved. True to the Divine Mother’s words, his life was transformed and harmony was restored within his home. His faith, devotion and perseverance had unlocked the power of divine grace.

Nav Raatri is not only a period of ritual; it is a gateway to transformation. When ego and pride control a person’s life, chaos ensues. However, with devotion and spiritual discipline, one can attain divine guidance, wisdom and inner peace. As exemplified by Bhagavan Shree Raam, who was advised to worship Devi Maa after Mother Sita was taken, surrendering to the Divine Mother opens the doors to strength, discernment and ultimate victory over life’s challenges.

Let us welcome the transformational power of Nav Raatri. Through devotion, discipline and sincerity, may we purify our minds, overcome obstacles and cultivate a deep connection with the Divine Mother. Let this sacred period be a beacon of renewal, wisdom and spiritual advancement for all.


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