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Religious and Spiritual

The Origins of Shiv Raatri

From an interview with Paramacharya of SWAHA, H.H. Pt. Hardeo Persad

From the mythological perspective, it is stated that there was a lengthy war between the Devtas and Asuras (Gods and demons). In order to resolve the conflict, they sought Lord Vishnu’s advice. He instructed them to churn the vast ocean of milk and both sides agreed.

They placed the mountain, Mandarachal, in the ocean of milk and wrapped the serpent Vasuki around it so that the ocean could be churned. Lord Vishnu assumed the form of a tortoise, Kurma Avataar, and lifted the mountain on his back so as to provide a base for the churning.

Before they began the churning process, there was an argument again over who should hold the head or tail of the serpent. Lord Vishnu had advised the Devtas to hold the serpent’s head. However, the Asuras protested, saying that the tail was an inauspicious part of the snake. Unfortunately, when they did so they were faced with the serpent’s venom.

The churning began and 14 treasures emerged from the ocean of milk: various gems, a white horse, divine nymphs, a white elephant, the moon, a divine flower, a seven-headed horse, a wish-fulfilling cow, a powerful bow, a boon-granting tree, as well as nectar and poison. As the poison emerged it began to destroy everything everywhere. Everyone was uncomfortable. They sought advice again and were instructed to go to Lord Shiva, the dissolver and re-absorber.

He agreed and re-absorbed it in order to champion the cause of mankind. He kept it in his throat and did not allow it to go down to his heart. Thus, his throat turned blue in the process, and thus he was referred to as Neel Kanth. According to the mythology, fumes began to emanate from his ears, and everyone poured water on him in order to cool him down. So, the mythological origins of Shiv Raatri were born.

This episode is replete with deep, meaningful symbolism of our own journey through life, the obstacles we must face within ourselves and in the external world and how we should proceed to transcend them. We should reflect on the process of churning the mind in our own lives and seek the nectar, even as we seek the Lord’s shelter from the poisons of the world.

Mahaa Shiv Raatri will be observed on February 18, 2023.


  1. Ram Budhu

    Very informative

  2. Dularie chotoo

    Hi. Sita Ram. Very informative. Keep up the good discourses . Its always a pleasure coming across a familiar face, on social media.