Hindu non-profit organisation

Religious and Spiritual

The Light of Enlightenment and Knowledge

From a message by Pt. Jaidath Maharaj, M.Ed. (dist.); EMBA (dist.)
President, SWAHA International

During the five days of Divali, we celebrate the appearance of Lakshmi Maataa, in accordance with our scriptures, and through the lighting of deeyas. Whether we use wax deeyas, oil, ghee, or candles, makes no difference for the ultimate symbolism is that of light. Divali is a significant Hindu festival that represents that universal message of good conquering evil.

For this celebration, we perform Mahaa Lakshmi Puja. Lakshmi Maa is an incarnation of the Supreme Divinity and is depicted as being surrounded by various riches. She emerges from the lotus flower and from her hands flow coins and blessings; she holds the lotus flower in her hands, while there are abundant fruits at her feet. Thus, Lakshmi Maa is often referred to as the Goddess of Prosperity.

In Hinduism, we make a distinction between wealth in the material sense and the spiritual sense. Material wealth is important to us as a nation, a region, and globally, for our survival and existence. We need wealth in order to maintain our physical bodies. In Hinduism, we are permitted to gain arth (wealth) as a goal of life, once we do so in an ethical and principled way. Beyond the material wealth, Lakshmi Maa symbolizes spiritual wealth: control of the mind, senses, having forbearance or patience, faith and spirituality, and realizing the divinity within, in whichever form we choose to pray and connect.

The true essence of Divali is realizing that internal light or deeya within ourselves. We must live our lives understanding that although we are a community of people, there is diversity within that community. We celebrate that diversity, knowing that we can celebrate this festival together, contribute to each other and learn from each other in this rich cultural landscape. As we understand each other more, we learn to tolerate, accept and even subsume each other’s values and practices.  This is the beauty of a diverse society such as Trinidad and Tobago.

Divali is the blessing of light and illumination. While we can appreciate the physical light of the sun and electricity, we must also celebrate the internal light. In that divine light, all negative qualities and emotions are dissipated and transformed by the light of understanding, love, knowledge and wisdom. Thus, we must understand that when we light our deeya or candle or lamp, that we are appreciating the symbolism of light in our lives. It is only through divine light that we can conquer spiritual darkness. May that light of enlightenment and knowledge bless each and every one of us and our beloved country of Trinidad and Tobago.