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Religious and Spiritual

The Guru: A Guide of Principle


From a satsang with Paramacharya of SWAHA, H.H. Pundit Hardeo Persad


Dhyaana mulam guru murtih

Pujaa mulam guru padam

Mantra mulam guru vaakyam

Moksha mulam guru krpaa


The source of meditation is the Guru’s form.

The source of devotion is the Guru’s feet.

The source of the mantra is the Guru’s word.

The source of salvation is the Guru’s grace.


Gu means darkness and Ru means to remove; therefore, the guru removes the darkness of ignorance and replaces it with the light of wisdom.


There are three kinds of gurus: the vidya guru (the teacher), the kul guru (the family priest) and the diksha guru (the one who initiates us in the divine life). Whereas all gurus should be respected, the auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima is dedicated to the worship of the diksha guru.


Scriptures state that we can have many teachers as we seek to gain knowledge. However, it is recommended that we should have only one family priest and one spiritual preceptor to initiate us. If the spiritual preceptor has passed on, then we should not be initiated again, but we can adopt a new guru, while keeping the guru mantra at initiation. Even though the guru might depart his physical form, the concept of the guru and his teachings are eternal.


Who is the true guru?

The true guru lives his life based on principle. He possesses the right understanding, the right spirituality and the right dispassion. Through his grace, we can transcend the negative qualities such as hate, anger, jealousy and lust. His grace is like a sword that cuts through all the impurities in life. Birth after birth, we accumulate merits through our righteous conduct but ultimately the eye of wisdom is opened by the guru.


In the Ramayana, we learn of the exemplary guru, Guru Vasisht, who demonstrates the attitudes and thinking of the true guru. When Bhagwan manifested Himself on earth as Shree Ram, Maryada Purushottam, the Ideal Man, He also had a guru.


Guru Vasist was not only Shree Raam’s guru, but also the guru of the whole lineage: the guru of all the princes, the king, the queens and all their kin. Therefore, we can see that it is possible, and even recommended that parents and children can have the same diksha and kul guru.


The qualities of Sage Vasist as a true guru, was displayed when the king, Raja  Dasrath, was visited by Sage Vishwamitra who wished to ask a favour of the king. In haste, the king committed himself to the sage’s request before knowing what it was. When Sage Vishwamitra said his request was to carry Shree Raam and Lakshman with him, the king then hesitated to grant the request. At that point, Guru Vasist advised the king that he must maintain his word.


Guru Vasist was very powerful spiritually and his unbiased advice was based on maintaining principle. Previously, he had been attacked by Vishwamitra, who was a powerful king before he became a sage. Many powerful weapons were used against Guru Vasist, who defeated all the weapons sent against him with his immense spiritual power. Yet, his advice was not swayed by his previous enmity with Sage Vishwamitra. He counselled the king that the sage was qualified to receive the assistance of Shree Raam and Lakshmanji. He was not blinded by any consideration other than principle. This is the way in which the true guru conducts himself in order to guide his chelas.


The Ideal Devotee

One day Guru Vasist paid a visit to Shree Raam, who had since been crowned Raaja Raam. He arrived at the palace, which was then the abode of happiness and bliss, as the residence of Shree Raam.


Shree Raam, the ideal man and the Lord in human form, was very excited when he saw his guru. Overjoyed, with emotions overflowing, he wept. He gave His guru a special seat upon which to sit,  washed his feet and even drank the water. Sage Vasist, was of course an extraordinary guru, and the latter practice has been discontinued in these times. Having been honoured by Shree Raam, the guru joined his hands together as he, the ideal guru, recognized Shree Raam to be the ocean of grace.

1 Comment

  1. Chaitram Harry

    Excellent, informative ,well researched ,well structured and well presented brilliant discourse
    Thank you!