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Religious and Spiritual

The Essence of a Devotee

From a satsang with Pt. Balram Persad, Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Om Shakti Mandali

Bhagavan Shree Krishna teaches Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita about the essential qualities of a good devotee.

  1. First, He says, we should stay in the company of holy people who discuss uplifting subjects that will enlighten our thoughts.
  2. We must adopt an attitude of friendliness to all as true devotees of God who see divinity in everyone.
  3. Devotees of God seek nothing and are charitable. However, it must be noted that we can give not only material things but also our time, presence and talents.
  4. We should be compassionate and promote the welfare of others.
  5. We must not be egoistic, materially or spiritually. Every act should be performed as an act of service and surrender, and not for self-promotion.
  6. In challenging circumstances, as true devotees, we should not condemn others, parents, society or the country. Instead, we must have forbearance, patience and endurance. Therefore, contentment, bliss and resilience are essential qualities that we must nurture within ourselves.
  7. Devotees should not lose their focus or turn towards negative and life-negating pastimes and behaviours. The compass point, for example, always faces north; similarly, we too must always be focused on the Divine.
  8. We must not be a source of annoyance to others; neither should we allow the world to annoy or afflict us.
  9. Those who are free from anger, joy, fear and anxiety, are dear to the Lord. A strong mind remains unaffected by joy or sorrow. Such devotees possess equanimity of mind.
  10. Devotees who conquer anger and envy, positively change their quality of life, mind and vibration. It is said that anger and envy toss the vines of the ordinary man’s mind, but the true devotee remains unaffected by the storms of life and stands as strong as a tree.
  11. True devotees have vairaagya, dispassion and detachment, and they believe that all transpires according to the Masterplan. Thus, they adapt, adjust and cope and continue to serve the Lord.
  12. The life of a devotee should not cause harm or hurt to anybody, or to the world. A devotee who must fight a war might face violence, death and bloodshed, but that action is done for a righteous cause to perpetuate or promote righteousness or dharma.
  13. Devotees who have no wants, who are pure, untroubled, selfless and devoted to Me, are dear to Me. They who neither rejoice, nor hate, nor grieve nor desire, who renounce both good and evil and are full of devotion, are dear to Me.
  14. Worldly humans perform actions to get praise and then derive pain if that need is not fulfilled. Devotees of God, on the other hand, remain indifferent to what people say or do not say about him or her.
  15. An example of a super devotee is Prahlad. Through his actions, he lived the truths taught by Bhagavan Shree Krishna: Think of Me; serve Me; honour Me; worship Me; bow down to Me and you shall come to Me.