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Religious and Spiritual

Shree Hanuman, Messenger of Shree Raam

From a yagya with Pt. Umadutt Maharaj, Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Bhakti Jyot Mandali

Shree Hanuman represents the well-disciplined mind principle within each of us. There are five states of mind which we can experience: the raving mind (kshipta), the forgetful mind (mudha), the oscillating mind (vikshipta), the one-pointed mind (ekaagra) and the restrained mind (niruddha). As devotees of Pawan Putra Hanuman, we rise above the lower states of the mind to the restrained and one-pointed states. In these states, we focus on our duties without distraction.

Like Shree Hanuman, we are all traversing the pathways of Lanka, experiencing difficulties and challenges. If the mind is not strong, we might be destroyed by the negative forces in this world. However, once the mind is determined to fulfil its mission, to seek positivity and the true answers in life, it will succeed. Sometimes the answers are revealed from within and in other instances, life will send an envoy to us with the answer. In Sundar Kaand of the Ramaayan, Shree Hanuman, in search of Sita in Lanka, reaches a house decorated with the various emblems of the Lord: the bow, the arrow, the chakra and clusters of tulsi plants. He realizes it must be the home of the Lord’s devotee, even though it is located in the midst of the demons. So, He wonders whether it is real or an illusion because he knows that in this world, all that glitters is not gold. His questioning is a sign of a disciplined and intelligent mind.

At that point in time in the early morning, Vibhishan awoke inside the house. Vibhishan was the younger brother of Ravan, and his boon (wish) was to always be near the feet of Shree Raam. The first thing he did was to chant the name of the Lord, a good practice that we should all follow. As Hanuman heard Vibhishan glorifying the Lord, he felt very happy at heart. Vibhishan was praying, “O Lord, I surrender myself to you. Even though I am of the demonic race. O Prabhu, I give my life to you. You have freed many from distress. When will my turn arrive to be freed from this bondage? I seek your protective shelter and I surrender myself to you.” Shree Hanuman heard the appeal from the bhakt of Shree Raam, Vibhishan, and it is said that his hair stood on end. He decided to make acquaintance with the devotee, who might be able to assist Him in finding the Divine Mother.

Shree Hanuman assumed the form of a Brahmin to test the inhabitant, since he knew that raakshas do not like holy people. He hailed the house with “Om Jai Shree Raam”: I pray that the blessings of Shree Raam, the embodiment of perfection, and the Divine Mother, be upon you.” Vibhishan wondered who could be so brave to utter such a greeting in Lanka and ran outside. He bowed to his feet and asked, “Who are you? Are you Bhagavan? Tell me who you are.” Shree Hanuman saw the genuine devotion of Vibhishan, so He revealed his true identity to him. A thrill surged through Vibhishan; he cried with joy as He saw Hanuman.

Shree Raam said, “I am just the messenger of Shree Raam. I am on a mission to seek my Divine Mother. Do you know where She is?” Vibhishan filled with joy explained where Sita Maataa could be found in Ashok Vatika.

Thus, both devotees of Shree Raam had their wishes fulfilled through the Lord’s grace. The restrained and well-disciplined mind is recognized as the means by which the devotee can journey successfully through the world and advance spiritually to the highest state of Divine Consciousness. By worshipping Him, our minds will be strengthened and we will be able to transcend all adversities in life.