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Shashthi Devi: Safeguarding One’s Children

From Devi Yagya with Paramacharya of SWAHA, Pt. Hardeo Persad

In these uncertain times in which we live, it is essential that we make every effort to shelter and shield our children from all forms of danger. Shashthi Devi is a manifestation of the primordial divine energy who safeguards children. In the Devi Bhagwat Puraana, Bk. 9, Ch. 46, Narad Muni questions Shree Narayan Bhagavan on the nature and worship of Shashthi Devi.

Narad Muni: O Bhagavan, you have explained to me so many kathas about Devi, but I am asking again, please tell me more about the glories of Maataa. I have heard, O Bhagavan, of Shashthi Devi, Mangala Devi, Chandi Devi and Mansaa Devi; all these Devis are partial manifestations of that Mula Prakriti, the divine primordial energy. Please explain to me their kathas.

Narayan Bhagavan: Narad, Shashthi Devi is the sixth kala or formation of primordial energy. She is Vishnu maya. She is Adhishdhaatri Devi, the presiding deity of children. She also blesses Her devotees with children.

Shashthi Devi is also called Devasena; she is the consort of Swami Kartikeya or Skanda. She is the Divine Mother in many forms. She gives children long life, shields them from danger and also blesses devotees with the power of yoga. She fulfills the sincere wishes of Her devotees. I will explain to you how and why she is worshipped:

To Raja Manu was born a son, Priyavrat, a true devotee of God, who wished to renounce the world. He renounced marriage and did not participate in any of the kingdom’s duties. He wanted to practise yoga and meditation. And so he did, until he was urged by Lord Brahma to get married and participate in grihasta ashraam (the householder stage of life, where he could develop positive qualities such as sharing, caring, forgiveness and other characteristics to deal with various life situations).

Priyavrat’s greatest desire was to serve God. Based on Lord Brahma’s advice, he got married to Maalini and both were very happy together. Quite some time passed and they were without children. They were advised to perform a special putreshti yagya for the purpose of pregnancy. (For such yagyas, there are very specific conditions that must be followed for its success, such as time, dimensions, priests, special mantras and so forth.) When the rituals were completed, the substance from the agni kund, the charu was given to Priyavrat’s wife to eat. (In Hinduism, the child’s character is considered influenced by the point of conception rather than birth. As such, many devotees prepare themselves spiritually for pregnancy.)

The yagya was successful and Maalini conceived a child. However, 12 years passed before she gave birth. When the child was eventually born, he was completely developed and beautiful but he was stillborn. Consumed by grief, Priyavrat carried the child to the cremation ground and decided that he could not live either. Then, he saw a white aerial chariot flying towards him, bedecked with garlands, which carried a shining Devi dressed in white. Seeing her, he became hopeful and started praying to the Devi. He asked who She was and She revealed Herself as Shashthi Devi or Devasena.

She explained Her powers to him: “O Priyavrat, I give sons to those without; I fulfill desires of devotees; I bless those who perform good karma.” She also explained that whatever happens in life is one’s karma: happiness, unhappiness, fear, worry, joy, bliss, affluence, adversity: everything is as a result of karma. Karma is responsible for having many sons, as well as no sons, dead sons, long-living sons, sons without limbs, sons with or without consorts, sickness and good health.”

Shashthi Devi said she would return life to Priyavrat’s child but he had to worship Her. She gave him a special mantra: Om Hreem Shashthi Devyai Swaha, specifically for safeguarding one’s children. Priyavrat also created a special stotra to praise the Devi. She was very pleased with the sincere offering from his heart. She blessed Priyavrat and the child regained life.

The Shashthi Devi mantra is a powerful and important mantra that should be chanted by all to safeguard and shield one’s children from any adversity or calamity.