From a satsang with Paramacharya of SWAHA, H.H. Pt. Hardeo Persad
The journey to unravel the mysteries of existence, guiding humanity toward the realisation of its innate Divinity, has been illuminated by various experimental, cosmological and metaphysical applications. Within the enduring and dynamic framework of Sanaatan Dharma, countless seers have articulated philosophical systems designed to bridge the perceived gap between the individual self and the Supreme Self. Among these, Kashmir Shaivism, one of Hinduism’s most ancient traditions, stands as a profound discipline dedicated to revealing the unity of all existence through self-realisation.
At the heart of the philosophy lies the non-dualistic concept encapsulated in the axiom, “Aham BrahmAsmi”—”I am one with Divinity.” The doctrine emphasises that all human actions are part of a spiritual evolution leading to the ultimate realisation that there is but one reality: the oneness of the individual with the Divine, who manifests as all things.
Rooted in the “Shiva Sutras”, Kashmir Shaivism reveres Paramshiva as the ultimate, Nirguna Brahm—Supreme Being without qualities. Paramshiva is infinite, formless, eternal and absolute consciousness. All creation is an expression of this consciousness, making Paramshiva the substratum of existence. He permeates every atom of the universe, connecting all creation within His infinite essence.
This philosophy advocates the evolution of human awareness from a materialistic identification with the external world to the spiritual realisation of oneness with the Supreme. It aligns closely with the principles of Advaita Vedanta, emphasising the transcendence of dualities and the realisation of the oneness of existence. Its core tenets include:
- Supreme Reality: Paramshiva is the ultimate reality, infinite and all-encompassing.
- Divine Potential in Humans: Though humans share the qualities of the Divine, their awareness is often constrained by limitations.
- Moksha (Liberation): The ultimate aim is to transcend the limited state and become Paramshiva.
- Cyclic Nature of Eternity: Life, death and rebirth are phases of a single eternal cycle governed by cosmic laws like karma and reincarnation.
- Dynamic Energy of Paramshiva: Creation, sustenance and dissolution are manifestations of Paraashakti, the dynamic energy of Paramshiva.
The interplay of Paramshiva’s dynamic energy is expressed through five forms:
- Chid Shakti: Energy of consciousness
- Aanand Shakti: Energy of bliss
- Ichha Shakti: Energy of will
- Gyaan Shakti: Energy of knowledge
- Kriyaa Shakti: Energy of action
The 36 Tattvas: A Journey to Supreme Consciousness
The philosophy describes the spiritual ascent from the gross material world to the realisation of Supreme Consciousness through 36 tattvas (principles):
- Gross Elements (Panch Mahabhoot): Earth, water, fire, air and ether.
- Subtle Elements (Tanmaatras): Smell, taste, form, touch and sound.
- Organs of Action (Karma Indriyas): Organs of reproduction, excretion, movement, grasping and speech.
- Organs of Cognition (Gyaan Indriyas): Senses of smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing.
- Inner Equipment (Antahkarana): Mind, intellect and ego.
- Kanchukas (Limitations): Constraints of place, time, attachment, knowledge and creativity, veiling the true self.
- Pure Elements (Shuddh Tattvas): Higher states of consciousness leading to unity with Paramshiva.
The journey through these tattvas represents the spiritual transformation from the illusion of individuality (maayaa) to the ultimate realisation of the soul’s oneness with Paramshiva.
This holistic path combines philosophy, devotion, mysticism and yogic practices to transcend impurities and realise one’s Divine nature. By engaging the body, mind and consciousness in spiritual disciplines, the aspirant progresses from a state of duality to the non-dual experience of Paramshiva.
The culmination of this journey is expressed in the profound affirmation:
“Chidaanand Roopaha Shivoham Shivoham“—”I am the form of Consciousness and Bliss; I am Shiva, I am Shiva.”
This ancient tradition invites spiritual seekers to discover the oneness of existence, shedding the veils of illusion and immersing themselves in the eternal grace of Paramshiva, the source and substratum of all creation.