Hindu non-profit organisation

Religious and Spiritual

New Year, New Beginnings

2020 is written with 3D colorful numbers standing on a white surface - 3D rendering illustration

As we celebrate a new year, we look for new beginnings, for opportunities to refresh ourselves, to make resolutions. Here are some principles we should keep in mind.

The growth of a tree can teach us about living: first, a seed is planted, and if the conditions are right, the seed begins to grow into a tree. Like the tree, we need to learn to grow where we are planted. We need to accept our situation in life; if we do not accept it, we would forever be unhappy. Do not mistake acceptance for not trying to better ourselves or our circumstances. Acceptance is a state of mind; for example, if we are in a negative situation, we can accept it and recognise that we are in that situation, we try to see the good and bad and we move ahead.

With the right conditions, the plant will grow. Do we really grow the plant or does it grow because of an intelligence of its own? We ensure it has enough water, sunlight, food and it usually grows. We can make an effort but what happens afterwards is beyond our control.

We provide support for the plants and the right conditions for growth for those around you. As the tree grows, the root goes deep into the ground, and becomes firmly implanted. Like the tree, we need to remain grounded in life amidst the mental winds of happiness, sadness, pleasure, pain, honour, disgrace, praise, blame. These things come and go, but there is something inside of us that is eternal. Notice also that the plant always grows towards the light. From under the shade of materialism, we are all trying to grow towards that sunlight of spirituality. The trees bear fruits and flowers for the benefit of others. The trees do not eat their own fruits. Like the tree, whenever we feel down or depressed, we should do something to help another. It has been shown that this improves your own mental state. The tree teaches us self service and self sacrifice.

When the tree is about to die, the leaves dry up and are blown away. This reflects the impermanence in life. We are here together for a very short time. Make use of this opportunity. Be kind, loving and gentle.

There are five things that we want in life: first, to know, but our brain is limited; there is always more to know about the world. However, there is inner knowing, knowing your true self, which is the root of all knowledge. Secondly, we all want to be happy. However, we feel that worldly things will make us happy: our business, our children, our jobs, our possessions, our relationships. Happiness is not a result of them, it comes from within and then whatever we do we are happy. Thirdly, we want to be independent; no one must tell us what to do. But this freedom doesn’t exist in the body and the world; freedom in the mind is true freedom. Next, we want to control everybody and everything else. However, things sometimes don’t happen the way I wish. According to Shaivism, it is through the universal Self that everything happens. Fifth, we want to live forever. No one wants to die. However, we are all immortal, just not in this form. What happens when we die? The body dies, the mind goes, but our true self, that pure awareness, remains.

In summary, to thrive in life, we should try to grow in whatever situations occur. We should remain rooted in our spirituality in order to survive negative conditions. We must understand that we cannot always control the outcome of situations and learn to accept them. We should seek the sunlight of spirituality and positivity and when we feel depressed, seek to assist others. These are the principles of a life well-lived.

From a Sunday morning service with Pt. Dr. Umesh Persad, Spiritual Leader, Gyaan Deepak Kirtan Mandali


  1. Christine bodho

    Inspirational guidance by which all. Should live by . Keep the good work up.


    Sitaram and thank you for this guidance punditji. I think it is a very important lesson you have imparted on depression and combating depression by assisting others.
    Please share this continually in your discourses. It will touch somebody always.