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Religious and Spiritual

Hanuman, the Divine Messenger

From a satsang with Pt. Umadutt Maharaj, Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Bhakti Jyot Mandali

The Hanuman Chalisa, which glorifies the activities of Shree Hanuman advises: “When one chants the name of Shree Hanuman, no negativities can affect one. When one chants His name, all pain and sickness are destroyed. When one chants the Hanuman Chalisa 100 times, we are freed from all impurities that bind us to this world and obtain great happiness.” Shree Hanuman is the sentry through which we gain access to Shree Raam. This was true even for Shree Raam’s wife, Sita Maataa, to whom Shree Hanumanji brought hope and encouragement when she was kidnapped by Ravan.

In the Ramayan, when Hanumanji reached the shores of Lanka in his search for Sita Maataa, He was advised by the guard, Lankini: “As you enter into Lanka, have well imprinted in your heart the form of Shree Raam and keep His name on your lips and You shall achieve all success.” By chanting the name of the Lord, all impurities are negated and one uncovers the happiness and purity within oneself. He is mother, father and everything to us. The essence of the life of Hanumanji was the name of the Lord. When He burst open His chest, every cell in his body was a reflection of the Lord’s name and seated within His heart was the presence of Shree Raam, Sita Maataa and Lakshmanji. We must emulate Shree Hanuman in order to have a successful, elevated path in life. Like Him, we must identify ourselves with the Lord, the source of everything that exists.

Having found Sita Maataa in the Ashok grove, and having witnessed Rawan’s conversations with her, He then fulfilled His mission as the Divine Messenger of Shree Raam. At that point, Sita Maa was looking up at the ashok tree under which she was sitting in a very depressed state. It was then that Shree Hanuman, sitting in the tree in his minute form, revealed Shree Raam’s ring. Sita Maataa recognized it as Shree Raam’s name was etched on it. It brought various emotions and thoughts to her mind, some joyful and some sorrowful. Like most people, her mind was in an unpeaceful, raving state when faced with a difficult situation. Thus, we are advised to pray to Shree Hanumanji in such situations, as He is the embodiment of the mind principle, who strengthens our mental state. By worshipping Him, we can transcend kshiptam (raving mind), mudham (forgetful mind) and vikshiptam (oscillating mind) to reach the states of ekaagram (one-pointed or restrained mind) and niruddham (mastery of the mind).

Shree Hanuman then praised and glorified Shree Raam in sweet tones in order to reveal his presence to Sita Maataa. When His words reached Sita Maa, Her grief began to dissipate and she transcended her depressed state of mind. He then revealed His true form and humbly declared Himself to be Shree Raam’s messenger, explaining all that had transpired since He had met Shree Raam. Sita Maa was extremely relieved as She realised that Shree Hanumanji was a true servant of the Lord. Shree Hanumanji gave Her encouragement, stating that Shree Raam and Lakshmanji were both well, though dejected because of Her predicament. His message brought hope and motivated Her to look forward to Shree Raam’s arrival in Lanka.

The restrained and mastered mind is recognized as the means by which the devotee can journey successfully through the world and advance spiritually to the highest state of Divine Consciousness. The mind principle, Hanuman Baba, is absorbed in the contemplation of Divinity. This earned Him success in all his endeavours in the divine cause of His Master, Shree Raam. By worshipping Him, our minds will be strengthened and we will be able to transcend all adversities in life.