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Religious and Spiritual

Divine Shelter: The Miraculous Lifting of Mount Govardhan

From a satsang with Pt. Umadutt Maharaj, SWAHA Bhakti Jyoti Mandali


In a time long past, Mount Govardhan was once a revered sage, deeply devoted to the Lord. In his former incarnation, he engaged in rigorous penance and heartfelt worship. Pleased with Goverdhan’s unwavering devotion, the Divine granted him a boon: he would be transformed into a mountain, providing him the unique opportunity to serve the Lord in a profound manner.


Shree Krishna manifests in our lives to create joy, bliss and love in the hearts of his devotees. When we chant his holy name, we invite joy into our lives. The story unfolds the day after Divali, when Shree Krishna went to his mother, Yashoda Maa, inquiring about the significance of the day. She, busy with festival preparations, sent him to his father, Nanda Baba. Shree Krishna learned that they were to worship Indra Devta, the King of the Heavens, responsible for the rains that nourish their crops and livestock. However, Shree Krishna, recognising the true source of their sustenance, urged them to honour Mount Govardhan instead.


Understanding the wisdom of Shree Krishna’s guidance, Nanda Baba agreed and advised the villagers of Vrindavan to gather offerings for the mountain. As they made their way to Govardhan, Shree Krishna posed an important question: Was this a practice of their village, their lineage or a new path they were to follow? Thus, Shree Krishna gently guided them on a new path of devotion.


Indra Dev, upon learning of the villagers’ decision, became enraged and unleashed a ferocious storm upon Vrindavan. The skies darkened, and worry spread among the villagers as they sought shelter for their families and animals. In this moment of despair, some faltered, but many remained steadfast, trusting in Shree Krishna’s wisdom. They beseeched him, recognising him as their only hope. In their prayer, they acknowledged his power to transform despair into hope.


With unwavering faith, they followed Shree Krishna to Mount Govardhan, where he performed his miraculous act: lifting the mountain with his little finger, providing shelter for the villagers for seven days and nights. In that moment, Shree Krishna revealed the unlimited nature of the Divine. Each villager remained nourished and untroubled, highlighting that nothing is impossible for the Lord.


As the storm ceased, Lord Indra was astonished to find the village intact. Realising Shree Krishna’s divine identity, he approached the Lord, clasping his hands in reverence, acknowledging Shree Krishna as the Supreme Being.


As with all Hindu katha, there are always depths of philosophical meaning that can be gleaned from all mythology. Here, Mount Govardhan stands not only as a physical entity but also as a symbol of the natural world and the essential resources it provides. It represents the interconnectedness of life, urging us to respect and nurture our environment. Furthermore, it embodies strength and stability, reflecting the support that divine grace offers to devotees in times of turmoil.


Shri Krishna epitomises the protective aspect of divinity. His act of lifting Govardhan signifies his role as a saviour, reassuring us that we are wrapped in divine care. His actions resonate with profound love for his devotees, addressing their fears and needs while emphasising compassion in relationships. Through this sacred narrative, we are reminded of the importance of faith, devotion and our interconnectedness with nature.


As we reflect on this katha, let us delve into the teachings it offers and strive to nurture our relationship with the Divine, with nature and with one another.

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