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Religious and Spiritual

Bhramari Devi: The Power of Divine Healing

From a satsang with Pt. Dr. Umesh Persad
Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Shiva Shakti Mandir of Marion Oaks, Fla., USA

Our sacred scriptures are abundant with wisdom, offering eternal solutions to life’s challenges. Encoded within these ancient stories are lessons that, when applied, can help us navigate the turbulent waters of life. One such scriptural story teaches us the importance of the transformative power of the Divine, as represented in the form of Bhramari Devi.

Long ago, there lived an asura (demon) named Arun. The word asura signifies someone with negative qualities, in stark contrast to sura, which means Godlike, or embodying good virtues. The demon, filled with arrogance and ambition, sought to control everything and live forever. Like many beings driven by ego, he craved absolute power, believing that dominion over others would bring him lasting happiness. His desire to avoid death altogether led him to undertake intense tapasya (austerities) to please Brahma, the God of creation.

His focus on material power and immortality mirrors the intrinsic desires of many beings. People long for happiness, knowledge, control, freedom from domination and ultimately, immortality. These desires often drive conflict and suffering, as individuals and nations seek to control others while resisting control themselves. The demon was also caught in this cycle of domination and fear.

After a long period of devotion, Brahma, pleased with his austerities, granted him a boon. The demon requested that he not be killed by any two-legged or four-legged creature, believing that this would render him invincible. However, with his newfound power, his demonic qualities became dominant and he wreaked havoc, terrorising both the earthly and celestial realms.

The Divine Intervention of Bhramari Devi

As the demon’s tyranny grew, the devas (celestial beings) sought the protection of the Divine Mother. In response to their prayer, the Divine Mother manifested as Bhramari Devi, enveloped in a swarm of bees. The bees, symbolising divine energy, were not bound by the limitations of two-legged or four-legged creatures, as the demon had specified in his boon. The bees defeated him, thus restoring peace and order to the cosmos.

This victory is symbolic of the divine feminine power and the nurturing, protective role of the Divine Mother. During Nav Raatri, we honour the Devi in her many forms—mother, caretaker and protector. Her energy manifests in various ways to vanquish the negative forces within and around us.

The Symbolism of the Bees and the Lesson for Humanity

Bhramari Devi’s form, covered in bees, carries profound significance. Bees live harmoniously in hives, working together in perfect unity and fulfilling their individual roles for the greater good. This teaches us the value of co-operation, duty and community. Just as bees contribute to the functioning of the hive, we too should contribute to society by embracing our responsibilities and serving others.

Moreover, the bee’s byproducts—honey and venom—are used in Ayurvedic medicine for healing. Honey is a powerful healer, and bee venom has shown potential in treating diseases like cancer. This mirrors the role of Brahmari Devi, who brings healing and restoration not only to the world of the Devas but also to the human body, mind and soul.

The Power of Pranayama and Mantra

The story of Brahmari Devi also highlights the importance of internal healing. In yoga, pranayama (breathing techniques) is essential for calming the mind and can even alleviate anxiety, depression and mental distress. One such technique is Bhramari pranayama, where one hums like a bee while breathing deeply. This practice helps balance the energy within the body, aligning us with the divine vibrations of the universe.

Just as the bees vanquished the demon, the humming sound of Bhramari pranayama creates powerful vibrations in the body and mind, dispelling negativity and restoring peace. The Devi mantra, “Om Hreem Sreem Chandikayai Namah,” further enhances this effect, channelling the energy of the Divine Mother to calm the mind and overcome challenges.

The Path to True Happiness

The story of Brahmari Devi teaches us that true happiness comes not from seeking control over others but from serving others and working in harmony. When we embrace our roles, just as the bees do in their hive, and focus on our responsibilities, we contribute to the greater good. Service to others, humility and co-operation are the keys to personal fulfilment and peace.

As we celebrate Nav Ratri, let us remember the lessons of Bhramari Devi. She represents not only the power to vanquish negativity but also the healing force within us. By aligning ourselves with divine energy, we can overcome the challenges of life and achieve a state of harmony and balance.

Nav Raatri is a time for reflection, renewal and spiritual growth. The story of Bhramari Devi reminds us that the Divine Mother’s energy is always available to protect, guide and heal us. By embracing her teachings of co-operation, humility and the power of internal healing, we can overcome the asuras within ourselves and live a life of harmony and fulfilment.

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