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Religious and Spiritual

Shree Hanuman, the Well-Disciplined Mind

From a satsang with Pt. Umadutt Maharaj, Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Bhakti Jyoti Mandali

Shree Hanumaanji represents the principle of the well-disciplined mind. In order to attain that state of mind, devotees must transcend the other mind-states: raving, forgetful, oscillating, restrained and one-pointed. When we worship Hanuman Baba, we are in essence trying to bring the mind under control. The restrained mind is akin to the tortoise, that withdraws all its limbs into its shell, without any distractions from the outer world. Hanumanji’s mind was focused on his mission; nothing could distract Him from achieving His divine goals in service to Shree Raam.  He had risen above all the lower states of the mind.

We are all Hanuman Baba in that He is within us as the mind. Each of us are in Lanka, traversing the pathways in search of something significant in our lives, while encountering various difficulties and challenges. If the mind is not strong then it will be destroyed by the demonic forces in the world. However, once the mind is determined, is directed by the right mission, and filled with positivity as it seeks the true answer, it will succeed in its quest here on earth. In Shree Hanuman’s katha, during His search for Sita Maa in Lanka. He searched far and wide until, in the midst of the land of demons, he was delighted to see a hut on which were painted the various emblems of the Lord: the bow, the arrow, the chakra, many tulsi plants, etc.

His disciplined mind questioned why a pious individual would select to live among demons. A questioning mind is a sign of intelligence. Although all the external signs of piousness were present, He still approached with caution. He did not know that the hut belonged to the great devotee of Shree Raam, who was also Ravan’s brother, Vibhishun. As Vibhishun awoke early in the morning, he began chanting the name of Shree Raam. Hearing the worship of Shree Raam, Hanuman was delighted in his heart. Vibhishun prayed that even though he was of the demonic asuras, he would still surrender his life to the Lord.  He asked the Lord when He was going to free him from bondage. Shree Hanuman’s hair stood on end when He heard the prayer and He decided to make acquaintance with the devotee, get to know him and see if he could assist Him in the search for the Divine Mother.

He assumed the form of a holy man to test the devotee, since rakshas do not like them. He greeted Vibhishun with “Jai Shree Sita Raam!” When He realized the genuine nature of the devotee, He disclosed His real identity. He teaches us in this episode to use our mental judgement and be discerning when we are dealing with other people, especially those that we do not know. Although there is the divine spark in everyone, in this age there are many types of people, including unscrupulous people, and we must ensure that we do not fall victim to any ruses.

Vibhishun confided in him that living in Lanka was like being a tongue living between the 32 teeth, and if he was not cautious, he could be bitten off. However, he was living His life for the Lord despite being in the midst of demonic beings. Hanuman Baba assured Vibhishun that the Lord always shows affection to His devotees. He explained that He was not even from the human lineage and yet the Lord showed Him grace. He reassured Vibhishun that once he continued to serve the Lord constantly, He would receive the Lord’s blessings. Vibhishun then directed Hanuman to Ashok Vaatika (Garden Without Distress) where Sitaa Devi was imprisoned. Thus, the well-disciplined mind prevailed and Shree Hanumanji was another step closer to fulfilling His divine mission.