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Religious and Spiritual

Devi Kavach: The Armour of Devi

From a satsang with Paramacharya of SWAHA, H.H. Pt. Hardeo Persad

The ancient sages have given us various compositions which, if recited or chanted regularly, benefit us tremendously. One of the more powerful instruments through which we can achieve Devi’s grace is the Devi Kavach. In today’s society we are sometimes faced with challenges in various forms; over some of these challenges we may have control, while we may become victims to others. However, if we seek the blessings of Devi, and we chant the Devi Kavach regularly, we are afforded her magnanimous shelter in the face of such challenges.

Kavach means ‘an armour’. When one is battling with the challenges of life, one must be able to shield oneself. This special composition seeks the blessing of the Divine Energy, as represented by Devi, to take care of us, our near and dear ones and all creation. By chanting the Kavach regularly, we should not be affected by the negativities of the world. We all need the transcendental shelter of the Divine Mother who is beyond fear and negativities. It is a powerful form of worship whereby we get the blessings, guidance, mercy and compassion of the Divine.

When we recite or listen to the Devi Kavach, we must pray with sincerity in our hearts, and focus on and identify with Devi. Thus, we must always prepare our minds to receive the blessings of the prayer. The simple nine-syllabled mantra, which is taken from the Devi Bhagwat, Om Hreem Sreem Chandikayai Namah, can also be recited as we seek the shelter of Devi Maa.

Devi is present in each of us. She is referred to as personalised energy, the kundalini shakti, which is said to be dormant, residing in the muladhaara chakra at the base of the spine. That shakti (divine female energy) is ‘asleep’ and the ultimate objective is to awaken the dormant energy. It is the transformative power of Devi that takes us from a state of worldliness to a state of spirituality; that is, from Mayaa Shakti to Chid Shakti. The spiritual journey is one of rising from a state of delusion to a state of Supreme Consciousness.

The journey begins by making sacrifices and worshipping the Divine, by rising beyond the negativities and tapping into the powers that exist within us. Such devotion leads us to the state of spiritual perfection that is symbolised by Maryada Purshottam, Shree Raam.