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Religious and Spiritual

The Purity of Sita Devi

From Devi Yagya with Paramacharya of SWAHA, Pt. Hardeo Persad


The Lord manifests Himself from time to time, and when He appears, His Shakti (female Divine energy) accompanies Him. When Shree Raam manifested on earth, His Shakti appeared in Janakpur. Sita Maataa was not born biologically. At that time, Janakpur was experiencing drought and famine that had been brought about by Ravan. When Janak consulted his guru, he was advised that he should perform a yagya or religious sacrifice. He also had to perform self-sacrifice. He had a golden plough made and with his own hands, he ploughed the soil. While Janak was ploughing that soil, the earth cracked open and a throne appeared with Bhoomija Devi, the Divine Mother. It was a miracle, but also the fulfillment of the king’s sincere prayer and sacrifice.

As devotees, we must realize that, like the air we breathe, Shakti (energy) is everywhere. In order to be able to perceive Her as a form with our human senses, we must have faith, belief, love and conviction and other positive qualities. All devotees who have perceived some form of divinity have undergone some type of sacrifice. Thus, King Janak and Queen Sunaina made intense sacrifices for the benefit of their people. They were ecstatic and overjoyed to see Devi Maa, who then transformed into a human baby. The throne then disappeared into the earth once again.

The baby was adopted by the royals and called Janaki, meaning ‘as dear to one as one’s own life’. Her appearance brought about transformation. Similarly, when we tap into that inner energy through prayer, fasting and other similar religious practices, self-transformation can take place. By the time Sita Maataa was six years old, she had mastered all branches of knowledge. Even then, society believed in educating girl children.

When it was time for her to get married, Shree Raam’s task was to thread Shivaji’s great bow in order to win her hand in marriage. Many other mighty kings, including Ravan, had tried to thread the bow but could not even lift it. Shree Raam, not only lifted it but snapped it in two. Sita Maataa, although She was the Devi herself, prayed to the Divine Mother that She would get married to Shree Raam. In this incident, the Divine Mother is showing us the power of prayer. As devotees, nothing is impossible if we pray sincerely to the Divine Mother who showers us with her infinite grace. The Divine Lord is the Indweller in the hearts of all and knows our every thought and wish.

Throughout all the trials and tribulations that followed: being exiled from Ayodhya with Shree Raam and Lakshmanji and then being abducted by Ravan, Sita Maataa did not ever compromise Her principles. She always displayed purity of thought, mind and action. Like Sita, all women have the capacity for such inner fortitude. They are all representatives of the shakti, the energy of the Devi. In life, they have the power of motivation, knowledge and transformation by identifying with their shakti. Let us all continue to perform our religious practices with faith so that we may be transformed by the power of Devi.