Hindu non-profit organisation

Religious and Spiritual

The Meaning of Ganesh

From a satsang with Pt. Dr. Umesh Persad, Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Gyaan Deepak Kirtan Mandali

The Sanskrit language is unique in that when a name is given to something or someone, that name has encoded within it a property or principle. Thus, every name of the Divine represents a certain quality. Hinduism teaches that there is only one Divinity. However, that One Self is so vast in its power and nature that we use many different symbols and names to describe it. Yet, after so doing, it is still indescribable and unfathomable.

The name, Ganesh, is made up of Gana and Esha. In Sanskrit, Gana means a ‘group’ or ‘category’. Esha means, ‘Lord of’. Ganesh, therefore, means the Lord of all categories. Everything in this world is assigned to some name, label or category. In one sense, the Lord of all categories means that Ganesh, the One Self, is the origin and source of everything. That Ganesh is called the Supreme Light. At the highest level, that Supreme Self is everywhere. In a sense it cannot see itself. Just as we cannot see our own faces, only the reflection of our faces. That Supreme Self as awareness and consciousness is everywhere. It is the source from which everything arises. There is a supreme power that takes care of everything. The will of God causes the trees to grow, the planets to revolve, things to start and end. Everything depends upon that one indivisible, supreme power, the Lord of all categories, Ganesh.

Ganesh is also called Ganapati, which also means the Lord of categories. How do we perceive Ganesh and experience Him as the Lord of all categories? There is a saying in our scriptures: “As the mind, so the man.” Our minds, thoughts and emotions veil our true nature. The overall strategy is to transcend the mind; that which remains, the indivisible self, is Ganesh. He is also referred to as the Lord of right vision. We need to have the right vision in order to look beyond the surface. We need to ask ourselves, how am I thinking about this situation? What categories am I putting people in?

The scriptures tell us that we are in the body of Ganesh. We are like fish swimming in water. We all seem to be thirsty for spirituality, yet still the water is all around us. Physically and spiritually, we are all in one supreme light of awareness. That light of awareness is the base of all existence. While people can relate to the different forms of God on a personal level, the highest level of understanding divinity is as the supreme awareness that exists everywhere. Kabir asks, without that experience of your true nature, that awareness, that Ganesh, then what is the true reality of this everchanging world? That name of the Lord, that experience and shining must be experienced in your heart of hearts. Then we will always experience divine fulfillment and peace.