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Religious and Spiritual

A Guide to the Institution of Marriage

From a Ramayana discourse with the late Shankaracharya of SWAHA, Pt. Hari Prasad

As we celebrate Guru Purnima on July 13, 2022, let us heed the words of wisdom from the Guru of SWAHA, the late Shankaracharya of SWAHA, on the Hindu institution of marriage.

Devotees of God, ten thousand years ago, Sita Maataa and Shri Rama were married. When Mother Sita saw Shri Rama, her spirit was pleased; she decided that he should be her husband. She prayed faithfully to the Divine Mother and her prayers were eventually materialized. However, when there is a marriage, even of divine beings, there is sometimes some opposition or hindrance. Her first obstacle, however, was that her father, King Janak, who was unaware of her intention, and had made a vow that she would only marry the man who could string the bow of Shivaji.

In Shree Rama and Sita’s journey to marriage, Shree Rama accompanied Sage Vishwamitra upon invitation to Sita’s swayamvar in Janakpur. Many great kings from neighbouring kingdoms arrived to test their strength but none could even lift the bow. Vishwamitra Muni realized that the situation was tense after the kings had failed. He was also aware that the Divine Goddess had promised Sita that Her prayer of marrying Shree Rama would be materialized. He advised Shree Rama that the time was right for Him to act. Shree Rama not only lifted and strung the bow, but also broke it. Brahma and the Devtas, were all satisfied at this result and showered their blessings upon the divine couple. The celestial beings also sang and danced in ecstasy. His success brought joy to people everywhere and they began to worship the Supreme Being and praised the ancestry of King Janak.

As in Shree Rama and Mother Sita’s story, so too in our personal lives, compatibility and other linkages are important for a successful marriage. However, like them, couples must also be prepared to endeavour, to make the right effort and to sacrifice. Marriage is not only a contract but a responsibility. A married couple must blend their spirit together and support that which is good and moral. When people are married, they must learn to adapt to their situation. It is sometimes not easy for newly married couples to adjust. However, if there is true love, sincerity, honesty, their marriage can be long-lived until the Lord is ready to part them. Marriage has the potential to produce many positives such as children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so forth. It can even bring us name, fame, respect and honour. The marriage journey is a lifelong journey, which can be successful through prayer, right effort and the blessings of the Divine.