Hindu non-profit organisation

Religious and Spiritual

Makar Sankranti

From a satsang with Pt. Balram Persad, Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Om Shakti Mandali

Makar Sankranti is unique in that, unlike many other Hindu observances, it is based on the solar calendar instead of the lunar calendar. As such, it is celebrated on the fixed date of January 14 every year. Sankranti is the transition from one raasi or zodiac sign to the next. In this case from Dhanush raasi, or Sagittarius, to Makar or Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac. This occurs in the eleventh month of the Hindu calendar. There are twelve sankrantis in the year: the two most important are in Margh (January-February) and in Chaitra (March-April).

It is said that during its northward journey, the sun has a greater influence on world conditions. This physical change should be reflected by a simultaneous change within us, as expressed in the prayer:

Om Asato Maa, Sad Gamaya
Om Tamaso Maa, Jyotir Gamaya
Om Mrityor Maa, Amritam Gamaya.

The prayer signifies that we should transition from a state of ignorance to a state of enlightenment. Makar Sankranti thus has tremendous spiritual significance for humans. We are closely connected and integrated to the environment, the planets, and everything around us. The northward movement of the sun energizes and invigorates all life. In the physical realm, we open the windows in our houses in the morning to let the fresh air into our house. We inhale the praanic air in the morning that is filled with life giving and restoring oxygen. Similarly, we must open our minds and lives to the presence of God.

As in the macrocosm of the universe, so it is in the microcosm of the human self. The sun is the presiding deity of the aatma or the self. The moon is the presiding deity of the mind. The sun influences the moon and the moon influences the mind. The mind influences the seven major chakras, or energy vortices, in the body. We must become spiritually awakened just as the energy moves up each of the spiritual chakras. We must all make the effort to advance forward, upward and Godward, just as the energy rises to the highest sahasraara chakra of enlightenment. Makar Sankranti is the perfect occasion to reflect on our spiritual evolution as well as to be mindful of the environment.

The sun also represents the stable and focused intellect and influences its sharpness and brilliance. In order to become people of substance, we must focus on the light. Where there is light, there is no ignorance. Where there is God, there can be no superstition. There are many instances of devotees who overcame adverse situations by concentrating their minds on God, devotees such as Shabari and Tulsidas. Their faith was as sound, firm and unshakeable as Angad’s foot, which no demon could move. Like those renowned devotees, we too must be constant in our spiritual practice.

To understand this occasion from another symbolic perspective, makar means ‘crocodile’. It is the vahana or vehicle of Gangaa Maa, who signifies knowledge, as well as of Kubera, the god of wealth in all His aspects. Makar represents virility, manliness and strength of mind and body. As referenced in a Hanuman stotra, one of the nine treasures that can be bestowed by Him is makar. As such, when faced with mental difficulties such as anxiety or depression, we can meditate, stabilize the mind through pranayama and flood the body with the energising breath in the morning. We can also calm the mind and thoughts by reciting mantras and create positive vibrational energies that will help us tremendously.

Furthermore, Shri Raam is often depicted wearing crocodile-shaped earrings. They are a symbol of his virility, strength, power and might. It is also an auspicious sign on the hand of Lakshmi Maa. Makar kundal, earrings in the shape of the crocodile made of metal, wood and ivory are often depicted in the right ear of Vishnu Bhagwan and Bhagawan Shankar. The right earring represents sankh yoga, intellectual knowledge and intuitive perception. Humans wear jewellery for decoration but the Lord’s jewellery is symbolic for the purpose of teaching devotees about His glories.

Makar Sankranti is not only an outward transition of the planets but it must also be an inner evolution. Let us now move upward and forward, away from the state of ignorance, away from negativity and begin to enjoy the true beauty of life and living. Let us make that quantum leap from states of negativity to an affirmation of the highest states of divine consciousness.