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Religious and Spiritual

The Importance of Tulsi

From a satsang with Pt. Umadutt Maharaj, Spiritual Leader, SWAHA Bhakti Jyot Mandali

Moolay Tu Sarva Teerthani

Saakhaa Tu Sarva Devataa

Pattay Tu Sarva Yagyaari

Tulsi Tu Namaami-aham


At the root of the tulsi reside all holy places.

On the branches of the tulsi reside the Gods.

The leaves represent the various yagyas.

Oh Mother Tulsi, I offer prostration to you.


In the Ramaayan, when Shree Hanumanji was in Lanka searching for Sita Maa, He saw a beautiful hut on whose walls were the Lord’s various emblems: the bow, arrow, shankh and chakra. Moreover, he saw tulsi plants in the yard, which belonged to Vibheeshan, the devotee of Shree Raam. It filled Him with great joy because here was a place where He could seek refuge, where He might be guided in his search for Sita Maa. Such is the importance of the tulsi plant.

In the Devi Bhagwat, there are also many references to the tulsi. Tulsi puja is recommended during the auspicious month of Kaartik, which commences on October 21, 2021. Great blessings are attained by devotees who worship the tulsi plant in the month of Kaartik, as all legitimate desires will be achieved. It is important to revere and respect the purifying tulsi plant. If there is an excess of tulsi plants in one’s yard, they can be distributed as gifts. Even when the plant has died, its disposal should be dealt with respectfully. Dried tulsi plants can be cut into pieces of wood to be used in havan, which help create positive vibrations in oneself and the environment. The tulsi plant also has medical benefits and is used in Ayurvedic medicine for numerous ailments.

In the Devi Bhagwat, Brahmaji is speaking to Tulsi Maa Herself and He explains some of the benefits of worshipping Her:

  • Tulsi Maa must be worshipped during Satyanarayan She is the foremost among flowers and is dearer to Narayana than His life itself.
  • One who worships Tulsi Maa will be complete, without any negativity.
  • One will remain free from all bondage.
  • One who worships Tulsi, will be near and dear to Shree Krishna.
  • Anyone who is initiated and installed into a position with tulsi water will get the fruits of all
  • When we perform puja, if Ganga jal is not present, we must place a tulsi in the water, which purifies it. It then attains the purity of Ganga jal.
  • Whatever pleasures one receives from the performance of thousands of jal offerings to Vishnu Bhagwan, it is said that the same amount of happiness occurs when one offers to Bhagwan a lota of water with tulsi in it.
  • Whatever fruits are acquired by giving gowdaan, that person can obtain such benefits by offering tulsi leaves, especially in the month of Kaartik.
  • One who drinks tulsi water at the time of death, having lived a good life, becomes free of all sins and is elevated to the abode of Vishnu.
  • One who picks tulsi leaves and holds it with some water while reciting the Guru mantra and concentrating on the Guru, upon departing the body, will go to Vishnu lok.
    • Our gurus often advise us that on a daily basis we should place some water and a tulsi leaf in our hand, face the sun in the east, recite the Guru mantra seven times and eat it, as it will help to purify us.
    • Ayurvedic doctors advise that if on a daily basis we eat three neem leaves and a tulsi leaf before eating anything else in the morning, it will cleanse the intestines.
  • Placing a garland of tulsi around the neck, creates a positive aura and increases divine vibrations.
  • An individual must keep his word or speak the truth while holding a tulsi in his hand.
  • Using tulsi in the shraadh ceremony helps create positive vibrations.
  • Any individual who remains near to tulsi plants early in the morning and performs pranayama (breathing exercises) is purified by its fragrance. The mind is also cleared and the oxygen level increases in the brain.
  • By worshipping Tulsi Maataa, one gains all siddhis (divine powers).
  • A mantra is given by which we can worship Tulsi daily: Om Sreem Hreem Kleem Aim Brindavan Yai Swaha. It is referred to as the king of all mantras (mantra raj) and it is likened to the kalpha vriksh, the mythical divine tree of life that brings all prosperity.
  • One who worships Tulsi Maataa will be worshipped, respected and honoured by all, even Vishnu Bhagavan Himself.
  • Without tulsi, any offerings made are not purified. Tulsi is used in the prasad and the water offerings.
  • Those who listen to the glories of Tulsi Maa become free from disease and pain, from the bondage of the cycle of birth and death; one becomes fearless and free from sins.
  • In this world there are many types of flowers and trees but tulsi is given the status of being the best of all flowers, giving one mental peace. It is the holiest of all plant life.
  • Wherever there is tulsi, that place becomes purified and one who reveres Tulsi Maa is granted liberation (mukti).

During the auspicious period of Kaartik, let us seek the blessings of divinity in the form of Tulsi Maa by regular tulsi worship and earn the grace of the Divine Mother.


  1. Bhawan Singh

    Namaste Pandit Ji

    What can one living in cold climate like Canada do worship Tulsi Maa? In spit of efforts to grow the Tulsi plant indoors it perishes most of the time.
    Bhawan Singh

  2. Splendid description in simple language about Tulasi Devi.